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Exploring Aroma in Essential Oils

The role of aroma in organoleptic tests of essential oils, closely linked to our sense of smell, has been a subject of our investigation. Olfactory perception exhibits flexibility based on factors such as age, gender, culture, environment, and odor characteristics, which are in turn influenced by chemical compounds and concentrations. In a simplified explanation, the entry of an odor into the nasal cavity triggers a process wherein olfactory receptor cilia bind with the odor's molecules, setting off a cascade that involves guanine nucleotide binding protein (G-protein) activation. The subsequent signals influence the olfactory receptors in the brain, ultimately impacting the limbic system, which governs emotional regulation [1].

Recent studies have highlighted the potential of aromas to influence mood and emotions. Ebrahimi et al. (2021) conducted research demonstrating that inhaling lavender and chamomile essential oils over a thirty-day period led to decreased levels of depression, anxiety, and stress among older individuals. Similarly, another study focused on bergamot oil, when diffused as water vapor, showcased rapid positive psychological and physiological effects [2].

Unveiling the Compounds Behind Aromas in Essential Oil:

The inquiry into the origin of essential oil aromas often raises questions about their underlying compounds. Comprehensive analysis has revealed that essential oils are rich in monoterpenes, which encompass a range of derivatives including alcohols, esters, acetates, and others. These monoterpenes contribute distinct properties to the host plants. For instance, constituents like limonene and geranyl, found in flower aromas, serve to attract pollinators while repelling predators. Notably, compounds like geraniol and myrcene function as pheromones in certain animal species. The following table offers examples of monoterpenes and their functions:

(Source: Sahu, P., Bhowmick, A.K. and Kali, G., 2020. Terpene based elastomers: Synthesis, properties, and applications. Processes, 8(5), p.553.)
(Source: Sahu, P., Bhowmick, A.K. and Kali, G., 2020. Terpene based elastomers: Synthesis, properties, and applications. Processes, 8(5), p.553.)
Figure 1. Table of Monoterpenes in Essential Oil

In addition to the aforementioned compounds, ester compounds are frequently present in essential oils. These esters emit intense, soft, and non-toxic aromas, rendering them ideal for individuals of various ages and health conditions. The pleasing scent of ester compounds promotes relaxation and mood balance. For instance, lavender essential oil, composed of 40% linalyl acetate, falls under this category. Moreover, sweet birch and wintergreen oils, abundant in methyl salicylates, can serve as aspirin substitutes, although their use necessitates caution [4].

Figure 2. Table of Ester Compounds and Their Smells [4]

The world of essential oils is a realm of intricate aromas with diverse impacts on emotions and well-being. The compounds within essential oils, particularly monoterpenes and esters, play a pivotal role in determining their olfactory and therapeutic qualities.

As we continue our exploration of essential oils, we invite you to connect with us via email at or via our contract form here.


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